Record Detail

People of Sacramento Archive

Caption: The home and farm of Masao Takeda near the town of Florin.

Date: ca 1910

Historical Context: The home and farm of Masao Takeda near the town of Florin, just south of Sacramento.

Ethnic Group: Japanese

Place: Florin, Sacramento County

Events: n.a.

Names/Biographical Data: Masao Takeda inset picture

Key Words: Japanese

Image Number: To see a larger version of this picture, see image number 2546 and select the full-size image.

Objects of Note: Windmill and barn in background, farmhouse and garden in foreground.

Image Credit: SMHS, Sac, Ethnic communities Survey, "Onfu Hygiene No Nishiki Shasin-Chop"("BROCADE OF SACRAMENTO VALLEY'), 1911, P. 56.